Creating made-to-order custom pieces is one of the most fulfilling parts of the artist's work.
Mariana has carefully handcrafted custom designs for clients all over the world- for both residential and commercial spaces.
Get in touch today and tell the artist what you wish, so that she can weave your desires into a unique and personal piece of art. 
Mariana works exclusively with the client on commissioned work to streamline communication and expectations.
Once the color palette, size, price, and general feel of the piece are approved by the client, a required 50% advance payment is issued
to begin the design process and the manual work.
For each unique piece, the frame is custom made with the size and fabric chosen,
the yarn is hand-dyed, and the materials are carefully hand-selected. 
The artist uses almost all natural and organic materials sourced from Peru for her artwork. 
The materials she predominantly uses are; Peruvian organic cotton yarn, hand-spun, and naturally dyed baby alpaca yarn, wool,
linen fabric, silk organza fabric, and cotton thread. As a base for the embroidery, she usually uses a natural cotton canvas, which can be hand dyed or hand painted.
If you are interested in a custom or commissioned fiber art piece, the artist would love to hear from you.
Please fill out the form below and let us know what you are looking for!

Let's talk

Phone: 123-456-7890
